If Allama Iqbal has had any successor on the intellectual plane, it is undoubtedly Allama Ghulam Ahmad Parwez. What the great poet-philosopher had to say pithily and almost aphoristically, Parwez has expatiated upon, writing as eloquently as Abu-ul-Kalam Azad and documenting it as authentically as Maulana Suleman Nadvi. That is, however, true only so far as the style goes. Analytically he has no compeer amongst the modern writers on Islam. One is simply staggered with the inexhaustibility of his erudition which spans all the gamut of human knowledge; philosophy, science, anthropology, history, philology, economics and other fields of research. Allama Parwez is surely one of the most learned men of our times. But he is not a mere walking encyclopaedia. All this equipment of his is there in an ordered, systematic form; streamlined, so to say according to a highly sophisticated point of view which is derived from the Holy Quran. Allama Ghulam Ahmad Parwez is the Hazrat Shah Waliullah of our age.
Allama Ghulam Ahmad Parwez was born on the 9th of July, 1903. At an early age, he acquired a thorough understanding of the traditions, beliefs and the entire system of ideas which has traditionally passed under the name of religion in the Muslim society. This formed the basis of Mr. Parwez’s critical study in the all pervading light of the Holy Quran, of not only the history of Islam and Muslims, of the beliefs and practices of the pre-Islamic religions of humanity but also of the total area of human thought and socio-ideological movements throughout the ages.
In “twenties” during his stay in Lahore, he came into close association with Allama Muhammad Iqbal who inspired him and gave his specific guide-lines on the understanding of the Quran. Through Iqbal, he was introduced to Mohammad Aslam Jairajpuri for higher studies in Arabic literature and other studies. During the Pakistan Movement, Allama Parwez had been a gratifying counselor to the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in the matters pertaining to the Quranic values and principles. He had been a member of the Law Commission formed under the 1956 Constitution of Pakistan. He was the founder Chairman of the Quranic Education Society and the Director of the Quranic Research Center established under his guidance at 25-B Gulberg-2, Lahore.
He organized a country-wide network of spreading the pristine Quranic teachings called Bazm-e-Tolu-e-Islam. Such organizations have now been formed by the followers of the Holy Quran in a number of foreign countries as well
His life-long research produced many valuable books on Quranic teachings. Two masterpieces of his life achievement are Lughat-ul-Quran & Tabweeb-ul-Quran. Former helps the reader to get clear root meanings of a word, and the latter helps him to know its Quranic concept through tasreef-e-ayat.
Sadly, most of his works are in Urdu and many have not yet been translated into English (some under translation). This website is to facilitate those who do not know Urdu. Kindly find below some of his selected works. Appreciate sending us your comments either under “contact” or resurgentislam@gmail.com
What Is Islam? By G.A. Parwez
Exposition Of The Holy Quran (English Rendering of Mafhoom-Ul-Quran by G.A Parwez)
The Book Of Destiny (Kitab-ul-Taqdeer) By G.A Parwez
The-Quranic-System-of-Sustenance By G.A Parwez
The-Life-in-the-Hereafter By G.A Parwez
Islam: A Challenge to Religion : By G.A Parwez
Reasons For Decline Of Muslims (By GAParwez)
Why Islam Is Only True Deen By G.A Parwez
What_happpened_to_Islam_after_ Khalifa Umar (r)?
Universal Myths Mistaken As Universal Realities By G.A Parwez
The-Status-of-Hadeeth-in-Islam By G.A Parwez
Is Islam a Failure? By G.A Parwez
Family Planning By G.A Parwez
Women In the Light Of Quran By G.A Parwez
Are All Religions Alike? By G.A Parwez
Decisions in the Light of Quran (Translation of Selected Chapters) By G.A Parwez
Letters to Saleem (Saleem ke Naam Khatoot) By G.A Parwez
Letters to Tahira ((Tahira ke Naam Khatoot) By G.A Parwez
How Sects can be dissolved By G.A Parwez
Pause and Reflect – Quranic Advice: By G.A Parwez
Economic System of The Holy Quran (By G.A. Parwez)
Individual or State (By G.A.Parwez)
Quranic Laws (Qurani Qawaneen): by G.A Parwez
Glossary of Quranic words By G.A Parwez
Quranic Permanent Values: by G.A Parwez
Man And War By Parwez
Jihad Is Not Terrorism : By G.A. Parwez
The Basis of Legislation in an Islamic State By G.A Parwez
The Basic Human Rights in the light of the Quran By G.A Parwez
Human Fundamental Rights By G.A Parwez
Constitution Of Islamic State By Parwez
Tabweeb-ul-Quran (Quran – Classified) By Parwez (Urdu)
Response-from-ASK-Joomal-for-the-attack-from-Mr.Farouqi-on-GA Parwez
Miscellaneous Books, Articles on Quran, Hadith, History and other subjects by Others
Hadith An Objective-Analysis By Adv. Abdul Samad
The Quran and Ahadith Book – By Aisha-Ahsan
Abortion-By-Dr Syed-Abdul-Wadud
Chastisment-In-Grave-By-Dr Syed-Abdul-Wadud
Are Males Superior to Females in Islam? By V A Mohamed Ashrof
Hijra Calendar in Quran BY Ali Manikfan
The Reconstruction of religous thought in Islam: By Allama Iqbal
IQBAL AND TAQDIR – By Dr. Mansoor Alam
INTERCESSION: What Is The Right Concept (by Bashir Abid)
Resurgent Islam: By Ahmed M. Kalnad